Gabrielle Barnby, author and creative practitioner, Orkney.

Gabrielle Barnby is an author and creative practitioner based in Orkney.

She writes novels, short stories, reviews and poetry, and also encourages creativity in others through community events and workshops. 

I am thrilled to announce that my new novel Across the Silent Sea is now released with Sparsile Books.

Esther’s dreams of a glamorous life in London are shattered when she has a serious accident which leaves her with life-changing injuries. Living in her childhood home in Orkney, she retreats into a silent world until Marcus, a musician down on his luck, comes to stay on the island and reaches out to her through his music.

Described in rich, subtle detail – town, land and sea – in sharply observed and lyrical excitement, Esther’s inner voice explores what it means to have one’s dreams shattered.

Available in bookshops across the UK and both as eBook and Paperback

Previous publications include The Oystercatcher Girl, a narrative set in the wild landscape of the Orkney Islands, spiced with mystery, danger and romance. The House with the Lilac Shutters and other stories is a collection of short fiction set in the warm foothills of the Pyrenees and delves into the secrets and passions of interconnected lives.

I have also published several poetry collections including  , On A Bright Breeze and Wayfarers. My aim is to create collections that are personal and accessible, to craft poems that are provoking and pleasurable to share. My 100 verse tribute Peace-Land commemorates the 100th anniversary of the first world war and follows the internment and scuttling of the German High Seas Fleet in Scapa Flow, Orkney.

‘There are always imperfections, they are my troublesome companions on the road to insight.

I couldn’t go anywhere without them.’

Every day w imagine life outside our own experience. My passion is to transform these glimpse into poetry and narratives that stir the imagination. I write in a range of forms and styles for a wide range of readers.

When not writing I host a variety of workshops including teaching on the fantastic Creative Writing BA (Hons) at the University of the Highlands and Islands. Outside of teaching I have facilitated sessions for individuals living with dementia and with chronic physical and long-term mental health conditions for a variety of groups such as Voluntary Action Orkney and Age Scotland Orkney. I also have organised and hosted community arts events in Orkney with Stromness Writing Group and have been the programme leader for Wirdsmit, Orkney’s writing group for children and young people.

If you have read my work please leave a review somewhere, they are essential encouragement and they make a huge difference to small publishers such as Sparsile, Orkneyology and Thunderpoint.

If you have a response to something I have written please send your comments or find me Facebook.

Orkney 2025 Island Games, Gabrielle Barnby, Scrivener, submissions

Read my prompts and submit your writing for the 2025 pocket book here

Orkney 2025 Island Games 

I seek to celebrate different identities, to reflect on the positive aspects of communities as well as experiences of change and isolation.

– Gabrielle Barnby Scrivener

Across the Silent Sea, book cover, Gabrielle Barnby, Orkney

Across The Silent Sea

Reviews and responses

Tough, desperate, cutting, hilariously sarcastic, witheringly dry and suddenly tender.



Hampden Park, Gabrielle Barnby, Braw Words Collection, poetry, football, Glasgow, Orkney

I’m delighted to be the Makar of the BRAW WORDS poetry collection at Hampden Park. Football and poetry are full of passion, they lift people up and out of their daily lives. You can listen, watch, cheer and play. You can be a fan or be a dreamer. You can try out new tricks, practice and come back again.

Free creative writing workshop, Sparsile Books, Gabrielle Barnby

CHRISTMAS EVENT *Free-on line writing workshop* with Gabrielle Barnby and Sparsile Books 13th Dec, 7-8pm

‘Hearing new voices, imagining different lives’ Tickets here

Scottish Highlands and Islands Poetry Society - SHIPS

On 18th November I will be co-hosting the Scottish Highlands and Islands Poetry Society (SHIPS) on-line launch.

Across the Silent Sea, book cover, Gabrielle Barnby, Orkney

ACROSS THE SILENT SEA –  by Gabrielle Barnby

New Summer release with Sparsile books

New short story The Bikko in Northwords Now Spring/Summer 2023

New poetry in Pushing Out The Boat, Issue 17.

UNESCO RILA Spring School 2023: The Arts of Integrating - CULTURE CEILIDH, Gabrielle Barnby

UNESCO RILA Spring School 2023: The Arts of Integrating – CULTURE CEILIDH

Primo Poetica, The Hampden Collection, football poems, Gabrielle Barnby

Primo Poetica 42 – The Oystercatchers Call Full Time

Pleased to contribute a poem to Mind the Links, Golf Memories. All proceeds go to supporting individuals living with dementia and memory loss. Tippermuir Books.

Travellers, artwork, Stromness, by the sea, Gabrielle Barnby, Orla Stevens, George Mackay Brown

Press and Journal April 23, 2022,New public artwork takes its place in Stromness’s George Mackay Brown community garden’ Read full article here.

Fantastic to hear my participants reading their own words in this Radio Orkney feature on ‘Raindrops in the Fire’ a collection of creative conversations, memories and poetry from the Dementia Hub, Age Scotland Orkney.

Excited to be involved in this Culture Collective panel

Nourish: Health and Wellbeing

The Wondrous Scarf, George Mackay Brown, Gabrielle Barnby, The National. Scotland's independence newspaper

The Wondrous Scarf, George Mackay Brown, Gabrielle Barnby, The National. Scotland's independence newspaper

Fantastic to be celebrating Scottish Book Week and the George Mackay Brown centenary by playing my part in The Wondrous Scarf a creative writing workshop with participants from as far as Boston and across the UK.

Beyond the Swelkie, George Mackay Brown, Gabrielle Barnby, Orkney, poems, anthology, writer

NEW RELEASE – Beyond the Swelkie, an anthology celebrating the centenary of George Mackay Brown from Tippermuir Books. Honoured to have two new poems included, both inspired by a visit to the GMB’s grave.

New Flash Fiction Review, Gabrielle Barnby

Read my piece ‘The Zoo’ in New Flash Fiction Review.

Pushing Out The Boat

I also have new writing in Pushing Out The Boat, Issue 16.

Launch Sunday 16th May.

The New Shetlander, Gabrielle Barnby, poems, Orkney

Very happy to have a poem in the snazzy new look issue of The New Shetlander

Stanza Scotlands International Poetry Festival, Gabrielle Barnby

Delighted to read two poems from A Way Out, And a Way In at Stanza Poetry Festival Open Mic.

The Hampden Collection

Football and poetry – passionate bedfellows. Thrilled to have The Green Deck included in #primopoetica as part of The Hampden Collection

UHI LitSoc New Beginnings magazine

Pleased to see my piece on protecting creativity featuring in the very first issue of the UHI LitSoc New Beginnings magazine.

New release from Stromness Writing Group, ‘again to get up’ lockdown haiku.

The Scotsman, The Oystercatcher Girl, Gabrielle Barnby, new novel, Orkney, Writer

The Oystercatcher Girl, excerpt in The Scotsman newspaper.

Click here for Old News

New Writing

Team LifebloodScottish football legends, from BRAW WORDS prompt #1

RHINO – for the endangered, lonely, lovely Javan Rhino

Gratitudes – a list poem composed after creative sessions with individuals living with dementia, staff, family and friends at Age Scotland Orkney.

Wayfarers – new poems inspired by the George Mackay Brown centenary artwork collaboration

Magnificat – Part of the Words into Music project to celebrate the George Mackay Brown centenary.

Red inspired by audio recording from Orkney Archive

Farewell to Living Orkney

The Tern – Inspired by the birds around the Peedie Sea.

A Countrywoman’s Diary written for The Heart and Soul of Orkney autumn Foy.

Dingieshowe.Gabrielle Barnby, Orkney.

Stromness Per Mare street name acrostic

Khyber Pass

Gabrielle Barnby, Khyber Pass, acrostic, Stromness, Orkney, poem

Poems written to celebrate Magnus 900.

Go to your knees


Magnus and the Crow

Across the Silent Sea, book cover, Gabrielle Barnby, Orkney
‘Described in rich subtle detail – town, land and sea – explores what it means to have one’s dreams shattered.’
Romance, Scotland, The Oystercatcher Girl, Gabrielle Barnby, Orkney, love, forgiveness, redemption, Thunderpoint, fiction, debut novel.
‘… a beautifully understated story of deception and forgiveness, love and redemption.’
House with the Lilac Shutters and other stories by Gabrielle Barnby. Short stories, fiction, Orkney, Thunderpoint.
‘This is utterly original story-making of a very high quality, brave in its scope and range.’
Peace- Land , Gabrielle Barnby, Scapa Flow, poem, Scuttling, German Fleet, Orkney, 1919.
‘I was left feeling profoundly moved by the flaws in humans which stain our history.’
Gabrielle Barnby