

The night terrors explored depravity in a systematic way, although there were moments of absurdity where random objects and associations drifted like smoke over the tableaux of suffering.
During the day, David worked conscientiously, planning with meticulous detail the logistics of installing a new wave powered generator. From prototype to site selection and through numerous hurdles of bureaucracy and opposition he had steadily worked towards the company goal.
The night terrors disappeared entirely from his mind when he worked. You might think that regular experience of terror, true terror of a real and visceral kind, would have a profound psychological effect on a person. But not necessarily.
David worked with a clarity of mind, he had successful human relations on various levels with individuals he liked and disliked.
There was however a great hidden disturbance in his mind rising to the surface.
The automatic writing began during a meeting.
‘You took a lot of notes.’
‘Did I?’ said David. He’d looked down at his laptop. ‘I suppose I did. I was just thinking a few things through.’
‘Sure. That’s what you’re here for.’
When David got back to his desk he looked at the screen more closely. The font was unfamiliar, it had a belligerent aggressive slant, hardly legible, as if designed to obscure meaning.
When David finished reading, like the last word on the screen, he was perplexed.

Written July 2nd, 2017, Orkney


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Gabrielle Barnby