The Shout of Spring

Gabrielle Barnby, Orkney 2022, Culture Collective, Age Scotland Orkney, creative sessions

The last creative session has just been completed. It was a zoom call that linked myself with participants on Eday and Stronsay. I feel glad to have a sociable time planned for this time next week – it feels right to finish with a celebration. I want it to be a place where participants can show off a bit to family and friends, to enjoy themselves. I have really warmed to my online participants and am a bit nervous about meeting them in person – perhaps excited is a better word.

I feel tired now too. I gave extra heart and energy to the session, knowing it would be our last and feeling the topic’s energy. Now that energy feels spent. Spring is coming, but right now there are squalls of rain rattling the windows above me. I loved the pieces of writing done today – they were so evocative, incorporating all sorts of sensory experience and delving into the details of memory. It’s a shame that one participant had to leave five minutes early – someone came to the door! But actually good on her for being in the moment and prioritising the person who has traveled to her.

I began with all three poems as Soibhan had done – this being the session she has developed after my mentoring, and then we moved onto gratitudes. It worked really well as a way to get our minds into the theme and gave us all a chance to read aloud.

I offer more and more choice in my sessions, and find nothing is lost. The whole purpose of the sessions are to encourage freedom, to follow personal interest, to generate comment and conversation. It was lovely that there was a common object in our gratitudes – the garden fork and spade. I wish I were fast enough to record word for word what is shared, but I make do with making notes as unobtrusively as possible. After trying other methods this seems to be the least invasive way to record what happens on sessions. I am looking forward to receiving some feedback – so valuable for me because I don’t have a staff member to talk things over with after on-line work.

I feel a good ending is coming, for the participants and staff members, and for me. I know I will need time of reflection and consolidation before moving forward, but I am content that I have a process to follow.

Culture Collective, Creative Islands Network, Gabrielle Barnby, Pier Arts Centre

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Gabrielle Barnby