Living Diaries

Living Diaries

Original extract, 1909 – Feb-March


Diary continuation 

7 SUN.

Opened Bert’s letter. Buried Fluffy under apple tree. Fine.

8 MON.

Hard frost. No milk.


Brick a brac to village hall. Played cards with V. She does not know.

10 WED.

Fine day. First crocus. Replied to Bert. He must tell V.

11 THUR.

Walked into town. Took Miss Burke lacework collars x2.

12 FRI.

Fine. Kittens improved.

13 SAT.

V. crossed street when she saw me, not at Brick a brac sale. Does she know?


14 SUN.

Made Bakewell tart – Bert’s favourite. Frost.

15 MON.

Stayed in and waited. Still no news.

16 TUES.

Cards with V. No chance to speak to Bert alone.

17 WEDS.

Saw Bert in snow. V. has got him back. Dinner alone.


Rain. Sent Miss Burke sample.

19 FRI.

Sold 2 kittens.

20 SAT.

Fine all day, warm. Bert came and stayed late. Very happy.


Thoughts on Bert and V. and Fluffy

Thoughts on Miss Burke

Gabrielle Barnby